What are the graduates of the school up to now?
Impacts 2022
In France and abroad, in product design, graphic design, interactive design, space design, 20 former students of the school talk about their professional careers and the commitment they share: to imagine and build the world in which they intend to make us live better tomorrow.
Design has become strategic for all companies that think about their future, but are our designers ready and able to occupy strategic functions and join the top-management ? This is an issue that few design schools have really addressed, yet it is essential in the recognition of design and designers.
That is why we created Impacts, to document our alumni’s journey 5, 10 and even 15 years after graduation.
These 20 alumni have accepted to be interviewed to present their jobs to us. Whether they are integrated into a company, an agency or are independent, this young generation illustrates the diversity and richness of the design professions. It also highlights the responsibility and commitment with which they practice their profession.
Finally, they embody a discipline that has evolved considerably: design has become strategic today for all organizations and companies that are thinking about their future by integrating societal and environmental issues.
The entire team of the Nantes Atlantique School of Design is proud to present the richness and success of these 20 designers who are moving the lines.
"Designers are everywhere, always with the same commitment, the same societal responsibility to design the world in which they intend to help us live better tomorrow. "

"The success of these designers is ours, and that of all those who have participated in their education: teachers, staff and school partners. They demonstrate the diversity of the design professions and sectors of activity. They are everywhere, always with the same commitment, the same societal responsibility to design the world in which they intend to help us live better tomorrow. The emergence of a heightened ecological and societal awareness, the understanding that robots and artificial intelligence will profoundly change the relationship between man, nature and machine. Designers are the actors of these transformations - it is not a question of worrying fatalistically about what tomorrow will hold, but rather of looking forward to it." Christian Guellerin, Executive Director of L'École de design Nantes Atlantique
