cours food design lab tablette

Programs in partnership

Training offered in partnership with other institutions

L’École de design Nantes Atlantique offers training courses in partnership with other higher education institutions.

Undergraduate degrees

L'École de design Nantes Atlantique provides undergraduate programs with academic partners from the region.

Modula BibliothèqueRaphaël Lemenager / Modula Bibliothèque
BTMS Ébénisterie

A two-year apprenticeship program, in partnership with URMA Loire Atlantique
The BTMS graduate works in the field of design, creation and manufacture of contemporary furniture.

More information available in French

Specialized Masters® (MS)

L’École de design Nantes Atlantique also offers Specialized Masters® (MS), level 7 degrees accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, in partnership with leading business, engineering and communication schools. The main purpose of these high-quality programs is to guarantee professional integration.

Formation mastère spécialisé acteur transition énergétique
Specialized Master® Actor for Energy Transition (MS APTE)

Program provided by Audencia Nantes, in partnership with L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, Centrale Nantes and ENSA Nantes.

More information available in French


Specialised Master’s Biosourced composites: innovation and eco-designSpecialised Master’s Biosourced composites: innovation and eco-design
Specialised Master’s Biosourced composites: innovation and eco-design

Program provided by L'École supérieure du bois (ESB), in partnership with L’École de design Nantes Atlantique.

Mastère Spécialisé® Marketing, Design et CréationMastère Spécialisé® Marketing, Design et Création
Specialized Master® Marketing, Design & Creation

Program provided by Audencia, in partnership with L’École de design Nantes Atlantique.

More information available in French

Specialized Masters® (MS)

L’École de design Nantes Atlantique also offers Specialized Masters® (MS), level 7 degrees accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, in partnership with leading business, engineering and communication schools. The main purpose of these high-quality programs is to guarantee professional integration.

Modula BibliothèqueRaphaël Lemenager / Modula Bibliothèque
BTMS Ébénisterie

A two-year apprenticeship program, in partnership with URMA Loire Atlantique
The BTMS graduate works in the field of design, creation and manufacture of contemporary furniture.

More information available in French

Double degrees

Double degrees provide an opportunity for young designers to acquire skills in various fields and to access to doctoral training. This master programs are open to all students enrolled in a master program taught in French or in English in Nantes (excluding program taught in apprenticeships)

All the courses in partner schools are entirely taught in French.

During their final year of study, students have the opportunity to prepare, in addition to Master degree in design, a second degree among the following:

IAE Nantes
Master’s Degree in Business Administration, with a focus on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

in partnership with the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises de Nantes (Business Administration Institute of Nantes Université)

Arts et métiers Paris Tech
Master Management of 3D Interactive Technologies (MTI 3D)

In partnership with Arts et Métiers ParisTech Angers

This program is dedicated to students with a background in interaction design enrolled in the MDes program Digital Design who wish to pursue in research.

Design Factory Nantes
DU Design Factory

In partnership with Nantes Université, Polytech Nantes and Ouest Industries créatives

The DU Design Factory is an interdisciplinary innovation program focused on uses, to respond to a business problem from the idea to the prototype.

Double degree China Academy of Art

L’École de design Nantes Atlantique has signed a partnership to offer a double degree track at postgraduate level for the students of the China Academy of Art (CAA). Successful students will obtain both the Chinese master degree and the French master degree in design from both institutions.

Updated on 13.06.24