The annual international fair at L'École de design Nantes AtlantiqueThe annual international fair at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique

The international experience

The international experience at L’École de design Nantes Atlantique

A designer must be able to open up to others and to their culture in order to feed his or her curiosity and creativity, qualities that are essential to the practice of his or her profession. L'École de design Nantes Atlantique allows its students to cultivate this openness to the world through numerous programs and opportunities, in France and abroad.

International in the school's DNA

Cultural and societal differences require concrete and adapted responses to complex situations. Thinking globally, understanding others, appropriating new codes, sharing intercultural experiences... L'École de design Nantes Atlantique strives to transmit these values to its budding designers.

For 25 years, it has enabled future French designers to train abroad and future international designers to train in Nantes. This strategy is based on numerous opportunities for enjoying an international experience:

  • International programs taught in English in Nantes (in the master's level degree program of the 5-year design degree and in the 3rd year of the DN MADE),
  • Long-term immersions in our international studios,
  • Academic exchanges with the support of Erasmus +
The international experience at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique
international students



partner schools worldwide for international exchanges
International studios

Map of the international locations of L’École de design Nantes Atlantique

L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, through its various international studios, Africa Design School and NACAA, is established in 6 countries, all over the world.

carte implantations

Have an international experience in Nantes

French and international students have the opportunityto experience interculturality and to place their design practice in a strong international context through contact with students of different nationalities by joining one of our programs taught in international classes.


For exchange students

Holder of the Erasmus charter for the period 2021-2027 and of the Label “Bienvenue en France” (2 stars). Two programs are available to foreign students on exchange in Nantes.

Come for an exchange semester

🇺🇸 Interview with Thomas MCAULIFFE, American student

"The program brought together students from across the globe, creating a truly dynamic and multicultural learning environment. Collaborating with final-year design students on projects allowed me to explore new approaches and ideas."

Chhavi Rijhwaney
Chhavi Rijhwaney
Semester exchange student at the school

L'École de design Nantes Atlantique currently has partnerships with more than 120 schools, spread over 5 continents.

Over the 2023-2024 academic year, the school welcomed more than 130 international students, including some 60 for a semester of exchange at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique. Around sixty students from L'École de design Nantes Atlantique went abroad for an internship or a semester of study in one of our partner universities and schools.

It is a signatory of the la charte Erasmus + for the organization of mobility at the European level, and a member of Campus France, the international network for the promotion of French higher education of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In addition, L'École de design Nantes Atlantique benefits from a network of professional partners abroad who are willing to take on interns, to which the school's internationally-based graduates contribute greatly.

Since 1999, the school has been a member of the Cumulus association of 250 art, design and media training institutions, of which the school's director general is honorary president.

The school has also joined the World Design Organisation, the first professional association for the promotion of design worldwide.

Erasmus +L'École de design Nantes Atlantique is a member of the Erasmus + Charter
World design organization logoCumulus association logocampus france

"This experience extended far beyond academics, allowing me to step out of my comfort zone, engage with diverse perspectives, and achieve significant personal and professional growth. "

Chhavi Rijhwaney
Chhavi Rijhwaney
Semester exchange student at the school

Focus: Africa Design School

Supported by L'École de design Nantes Atlantique and accompanied by the Sèmè City Development Agency, Africa Design School opened its doors in 2019 in Cotonou (Benin). Its vocation is to train African designers on their continent through project-based pedagogy, in relation with the business world.

"Our arrival in west africa reinforces our position as a forerunner in the field of design education in France and internationally. L'École de design Nantes Atlantique has supported this development project with the help of Sèmè City and brings its expertise and pedagogical engineering to the structure created," explains Christian Guellerin, director general of L'École de design Nantes Atlantique.

The school is directed by Stéphane Gouret, deputy director general of L'École de design Nantes Atlantique. The teaching team, made up of design professionals working in West Africa, prepares students for the job market and for entrepreneurship.

The first design school in West Africa has experienced strong development since its creation:

Emmanuel Macron's visit to Cotonou in BeninEvent organized by Sèmè City in Cotonou in August 2022 in the presence of Emmanuel Macron who was able to discuss with the founders and students of Africa Design School
Africa Design School graduation ceremony / Photo credit: Africa Design School Africa Design School graduation ceremony / Photo credit: Africa Design School
3 days in Abomey artisans beninPhoto credit: Lisa Tygreat & Zachari Lorgeoux
Africa Design School Photo credit: Africa Design School

Creation of the 1st Sino-French design institute

L'École de design Nantes Atlantique has been chosen by one of the most prestigious Chinese art and design universities, the China Academy of Art (CAA) in Hangzhou, to create the first Sino-French design institute, the NACAA (Nantes Atlantique CAA).

The institute, which has just been inaugurated, will offer international bachelor's degree programs in product, interior architecture and digital design as well as a master's degree in design. It is intended to train high-level designers who will occupy strategic positions in innovation. It took two years of work to create this institute in a context marked by the pandemic. The program is coordinated for the French part by Matthieu Rochette-Schneider, also general manager for China of the Centdegrés agency, and Xu Yan, coordinator of the school's relations with the CAA.

NACAA offers a 4-year double degree programme with 3 specialisations: Product Design, Environmental Design and Art and Technology Design. The first two years are offered at the CAA, the third year on exchange at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique and the final year again at the CAA.

The NACAA also offers a three-year Masters programme in Art & Technology Design. The first year takes place at the CAA, the second year on exchange at the École de design Nantes Atlantique and the third year at the CAA.

NACAA 2023
Creation of the 1st Sino-French design instituteCreation of the 1st Sino-French design institute

A semester abroad: study or internship mobility

A semester abroad: study or internship mobility

L'École de design Nantes Atlantique is a holder of the Erasmus Charter (ECHE: Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) for the period 2021-2027, and is thus a stakeholder in the Erasmus+ program, a European Union program promoting student mobility in higher education.

Every student preparing for the master's level degree program has the opportunity to spend a study period in one of our 120 partner schools around the world or an international internship in an agency or company.

Long immersion in an international studio

L'École de design Nantes Atlantique created its first studio in 2008 in China with China Studio and continues its international development with the opening of other studios: Brazil Studio (2017), Studio Montréal (2018) and Africa Studio (2019).

Within these international studios, the school offers the International Design Strategy master's level degree program to provide a long term immersion experience. Confronted with the issues of these environments and challenged in their reference points and attitudes, the designers in training discover different cultures and progress in an international context.

Shanghai China StudioShanghai, China
Parc de la Cité-du-Havre, Montreal, CanadaParc de la Cité-du-Havre, Montreal, Canada - Marc Olivier Jodoin / Unplash
Ganvie, Bénin - Iwaria Inc. / UnplashGanvie, Bénin - Iwaria Inc. / Unplash
São Paulo, BrésilSão Paulo, Brésil - Carlos Kenobi / Unplash


  • For students wishing to spend a semester abroad, please contact:

To go abroad for a

To study for a semester at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique:

Updated on 02.01.25