étudiants à l'école de design via parcoursup

Undergraduate studies
in French

Taught in French Nantes
Diplôme visé contrôlé par l'ÉtatLabel - Diplôme conférant grade de master contrôle par l'État
Updated on 09.02.24

Prerequisites: A High school Degree & a French certification B2 at the DELF or TCF test

Degree: Diplôme de design Bac +5 : Master's level degree

Three-year undergraduate studies of L’École de design Nantes Atlantique

L’École de design Nantes Atlantique offers a wide range of undergraduate programs in design accessible after high school, to develop creativity and general culture, and to gain a solid professional culture in a design field.

Within the Diplôme de design Bac +5 (5-year curriculum), the undergraduate studies taught in French are organized in three years.

The 1st year of undergraduate studies is dedicated to the basic learning of design and creation. Open to applicants holding a high school diploma and a French level B2.

From the 2nd year, students choose from 8 specializations organized in 2 years (2nd and 3rd year levels of undergraduate studies). Open after completion of one year in design and a French level B2.

The school also offers undergraduate studies taught in English within our 3rd year of DN MADE/ International class.

journee d'info annee 1
Foundation studies (1st year undergraduate level)

Our foundation studies program is a one-year course to acquire basic skills in design and applied arts. Practical workshops in packaging, graphic design, spatial design, interactivity and product design allow students to become familiar with the different design professions.

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design de service sncfProjet Be-API en partenariat avec la SNCF / Ayoub Zarafa - Paul Maurin - Larsen Lestard (2021)
Service design

Our undergraduate program following the Foundation Studies give students the opportunity to specialize in service design.

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Interface design

Our undergraduate program following the Foundation Studies give students the opportunity to specialize in interface design.

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Monographie Henryk Tomaszcwski par Justine Massot Justine Massot / Monographie
Graphic Design

The two years of our undergraduate program following the Foundation Studies give students the opportunity to specialize in graphic design (design of visual communication in print or electronic form, eg, corporate visual identity, brochures, posters, websites, TV or movie credits, packaging, signs…)

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Projet Noia - Espace avec un coin bibliothèque conçu pour les enfants atteints de troubles de l’attention ou d’hyperactivitéNoia / Manon Guilleux / Espace conçu pour les enfants atteints de troubles de l’attention ou d’hyperactivité
Interior Architecture

The two years of our undergraduate program following the Foundation Studies give students the opportunity to specialize in interior architecture, urban and landscape design.

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Workshop scénographie interactive par les étudiants en cycle bachelor de scénographieClara Deschiens, Samuel Lefebvre, Simon Paugam, Suhi Park, Francois Sio Arnaud et Maxime Thureau / Défilé Stella McCartney avec Mapping . Workshop scénographie interactive

The two years of our undergraduate program following the Foundation Studies give students the opportunity to specialize in scenography.

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Product Design

The two years of our undergraduate program following the Foundation Studies give students  the opportunity to specialize in product design (design of consumer goods and equipment, whether industrially or craft manufactured, eg, furniture, toys, tools, packaging, transport…)

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Yann Hafer, Victor Ledda, Antoine Petiteaux, Matthieu Van Belleghem / Quadricyle électrique d’observationYann Hafer, Victor Ledda, Antoine Petiteaux, Matthieu Van Belleghem / Quadricycle électrique d’observation
Transport Design

The two years of our undergraduate program following the Foundation Studies give students the opportunity to specialize in Transport Design.

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Undergraduate studies
in French

Taught in French Nantes
Diplôme visé contrôlé par l'ÉtatLabel - Diplôme conférant grade de master contrôle par l'État