Adopt' un frometon

Adopt' un frometon: choose your exceptional cheese!

Only 10% of French cheeses have an AOP (Appellation d'Origine Protégée, or PDO) label. And yet, did you know that 70% of them are industrially produced?

In an agricultural and artisanal sector overwhelmingly dominated by industrialists, sustainable producers, often far from town centers, struggle to generate revenue from direct sales. Adopt' un frometon is committed to promoting these local cheese producers by offering a direct sales service for exceptional cheeses. The platform offers a listing of cheese producers and a direct link between producer and consumer.

Adopt' un frometon thus improves the traceability of the cheese sector and the entire current distribution circuit, moving towards a more local and virtuous model.

Adopt' un frometon
Adopt' un frometon
Adopt' un frometon

This project has been selected as part of Design L'Expo 2023 and will be exhibited at La Cale 2 Créateurs from 24th January 2024 to 10th March 2024.

"The platform offers a listing of cheese producers and a direct link between producer and consumer."

Arnaud Le Roi
Course Leader for the Digital Design Master's program

"Through her project, Romane calls into question the current model of our consumer society.

How can we go from a desire for abundance to a more reasoned and respectful approach to our food shopping? How can we better support the values of small PDO cheese producers?

The fact that she takes into account the social, cultural and environmental dimensions of the project makes Adopt' un frometon a truly innovative project. Romane invites us to hone our critical thinking skills when it comes to the impact of our daily consumption on our health and our fellow human beings." Arnaud Le Roi, Course Leader for the Digital Design Master's program


Romane Gaultier

Since 2023: End of studies internship at Studio Norguet, Paris, France 

2022-2023: Double Degree IAE and L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, Nantes, France

2021-2023: Digital Design Master's degree at L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, Nantes, France 

2021-2022: University exchange semester/Metal and jewelry course at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, Hungary 

2019-2020: Product design internship at Mumo Design, Bordeaux, France 

2019-2021: Industrial design Bachelor’s degree at L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, Nantes, France

Published on 24.01.24