Cycle tour of Montreal - 2023Cycle tour of Montreal - 2023

International Design Strategy
Le Studio Montréal

Taught in French Montréal
Diplôme visé contrôlé par l'ÉtatLabel - Diplôme conférant grade de master contrôle par l'État
Updated on 03.06.24

Degree: Diplôme de design Bac +5: Postgraduate studies / Master's level degree

Prerequisites: 3 years of undergraduate studies in design

Admissions: On the school's application website for the 4th year (admission to the master's level degree program)


Location: Montreal, Quebec

Teaching language: French

Postgraduate studies / Master's level degree

A postgraduate program in two years specialized in International design Strategy, a single master’s degree in design. Program in partnership with the Centech, 8th best incubator in the world.

This program aims to immerse students in the world of technological and cultural entrepreneurship in order to understand how it works and its particularities. Sudents are hosted in North American incubators and work in an international context.

This program taught in French alternates one week of internship in a company and one week of classes during 3 semesters in Montreal, then students will have the opportunity to complete their final internship in Canada or anywhere in the world.

Montréal, Québec

Montreal is a very attractive city, renowned for its quality of life, its openness to diversity, its many festivals, its affordable housing and its dynamic ecosystem of startups.

Students in front of CenTech at the start of the 2023 academic yearStudents in front of CenTech at the start of the 2023 academic year

Topics covered

  • Cultural immersion
  • Technological entrepreneurship
  • Creative Industries
Centech entranceCentech south entrance (photo credits: Bastien Padiolleau)
Brochure - International experience
Brochure - International programs

Our postgraduate studies, established over two years, are organized in four semesters validated by 30 ECTS each. A consequent and increasing personal working time is expected for each module.

Due to immigration regulations, only students of nationalities benefiting from the IEC (International Experience Canada) program, a young professional permit, are eligible to attend Studio Montréal.

A unique two-year program

This program is tailored to immerse students in the field of technological entrepreneurship so that they understand its inner workings and peculiarities. With a strong professional emphasis, this program taught in French alternates periods of  internship in a company and courses.

Design students will be immersed in the startups of the 8th best incubator in the world: the Centech.

It is a world-class incubator dedicated to deeptech companies with high growth potential that stand out in the fields of medical technologies, microelectronics and other smart objects, among others. The Centech has the opportunity to host in its premises the innovation cells of Canadian and international corporations with which the students will be able to collaborate.

Teaching program – 4th year

Year 1 (semesters 1 & 2)

The first year of this master’s level degree program alternates between one-week internships in companies and one-week courses, with 21 weeks of courses and 18 weeks of internships over the year.

During the first year, students learn how to manage complex design projects, deepen their knowledge of the economic, social and cultural aspects of the field covered in their program, build and apply a methodology and support their end-of-term project studies, the subject of which they themselves define.

Teaching is delivered in the form of projects in partnership with industry, workshops, lectures, conferences and professional meetings.

In addition to the pedagogical content, the goal for students is to highlight and expand the professional achievements in the context of another culture.


  • Design and complexity project
  • Workshop to define the end of studies project
  • Prospective design project
  • Seminar methodologies
  • Innovation seminar
  • Intellectual property
  • Seminar specific to the theme of the program
  • Introduction to research workshop
  • Professionalisation / lab
  • Contests
  • TOEIC preparation 
  • Preparation for the end of studies project, complementary seminar 
  • Memory preparation workshop
Teaching program – 5th year

Semester 3

Always on a rhythm combining work-study and academic training, continuation and finalization of the end-of-studies project summarizing all the professional skills acquired. It can be conducted in collaboration with a company and / or research laboratory of a partner university. This personal end-of-studies project must be related to the program in which students are enrolled.

Supervision is ensured in the form of workshops under the direction of a referent designer, to which punctual speakers are associated. Writing a thesis in the theme of the project.


  • Initiation to law
  • Introduction to management
  • End of studies project workshop
  • Memory Workshop
  • Professionalization & lab
  • Competitions

Semester 4

The study program ends with a minimum of sixteen weeks (and a maximum of six months) internship within a company, in Canada or anywhere in the world.

Trainees work as junior designers and support all or part of a project.

The student must demonstrate his ability to integrate into a team, manage a project and develop all the sequences of the project for its smooth running. It allows the student to articulate all of his studies with what will be his first professional experience.

Depending on the professional project of the student, this internship can also take place within a company that the student will create, or even within a research laboratory.

Program taught in French.

Obtaining the master's level degree

Le Diplôme de design Bac +5 is awarded by the final jury to students who have obtained:

1. a minimum score of 800 points at the TOEIC test;
2. a score greater than or equal to 10/20, which breaks down as follows:

  • for 40%, mark attributed to continuous monitoring,
  • for 60%, mark obtained at the final defense in September relating to the student's path (end-of-study project, internship and any other element chosen by the student).

This program must be completed in its entirety to obtain certification and cannot be broken down into blocks. The course is taken as a whole and not in modules. Please contact us for information on equivalences.

This program leads to the Master's level degree - RNCP level 7 - RNCP36106 (published on 07-01-2022) - approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, which confers the grade of Master.

Admission requirements
Level of education required

This program is open to all applicants who either:

  • hold a Bachelor’s Degree in design or equivalent, or

  • have completed at least three years of undergraduate studies in design or equivalent, equating to at least 180 ECTS credits

You may apply before actually receiving the degree or having completed your undergraduate studies. However, admission will only take effect once the degree is obtained or the undergraduate credits have been validated.

Applicants whose level we assess to be insufficient may be recommended to follow a semester or a full year in our 3rd year of DN MADE / International Class before entering the master’s program.

Final admission will only take effect when the necessary visa is obtained, if applicable.

Level required in languages


If English is not your native language, you will need to demonstrate a good level of English (minimum 600 points in TOEIC or equivalent). As 800 TOEIC points are a prerequisite for the Bac + 5 Design Diploma, you will be required to take the TOEIC exam during your course.


If French is not your native language, you will be required to have DELF or TCF level B2 certification.

How do I apply?

Applications are open until 28 June 2024 for the 2024-2025 school year.

Applications can only be submitted online via our application website

There are 7 admission sessions:

  • December session: applications until 08 December 2023
  • January session: applications from 09 December to 31 January 2024
  • February session: registrations from 1 to 29 February 2024
  • March session: registrations from 1 to 29 March 2024
  • April session: registrations from 1 to 30 April 2024
  • May session: registrations from 1 to 31 May 2024
  • June session: registrations from 1 to 28 June 2024


Selection process

  • Create a candidate space on the application website and pay the €50 registration fee;
  • The application form is put online;
  • Examination of the application and portfolio;
  • If the application is accepted: individual interview
Tuition fees
  • French students and European Union students: €8,900 per year
Non-European Union students: €9,900 per year

+ CVEC (Student and campus life contribution): contribution set at just under €103 per year for the academic year 2024-2025

CVEC website


The school itself does not offer any scholarship. However, according to your country of residence and your particular situation, different possibilities may be available to finance your studies in France: government grants, funding granted by international organizations and NGOs, private fellowships...

Campus France has a scholarship search engine which may help you identify a scholarship available in your situation (country of residence, degree being prepared etc.)

Obtain a visa for Québec

Final admission will only take effect when the necessary visa is obtained, if applicable.

You will need to take the necessary steps to obtain your IEC (International Experience Canada) visa for Le Studio Montréal.

This type of visa resulted from an agreement between Canada and certain countries, we draw your attention to the fact that not all countries are eligible.

For more information, please inquire on the official website of the Government of Canada.

Academic calendar

Students admitted to Le Studio Montréal in the 4th year of the Master's level degree program will start their studies on 2 September 2024.

This date is provided for information purposes only and is subject to change.

Teaching staff

Deputy Executive Director
Stéphane Gouret

Le Studio Montreal - program coordinator
Julie Le Ster

Assistant Head of program
Clémence Pinte

Educational Partnership Development Officer
Solveig Palazzo


The historical partner of Studio Montreal is Centech. This incubator offers the opportunity to design students to work with the startups that it supports, but also with the whole eco-system (Thales, the Port of Montreal, CAE...). Moreover, they also have the chance to work with local companies such as the Agence de Mobilité Durable (Sustainable Mobility Agency) or Videotron.

Here are a few more examples of startups specializing in aerospace, agricultural technology, construction technology, industry 4.0, and medical technology, where Studio Montreal students are involved in internship missions:

In addition, Quebec is a professional alternative favored by many French people, notably the alumni of L'École de design Nantes Atlantique, who represent a Montreal community of about 40 people.

Job prospects and further education
International career prospects

This program trains students to become global players understanding Canadian context better, and most of all, improve the ability to design for clients and employers from other cultures. It is a living experience that will change its participants, often opening up unexpected, exciting international career opportunities.

Master’s level degree in design

As all our master programs, this program leads to the Master’s level degree in design, certified by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and registered in the Registre National des Certifications Professionnelles (the French directory for vocational qualifications or RNCP) as a Level 7 Master’s level degree.

This program must be completed in its entirety to obtain certification and cannot be broken down into blocks. The course is taken as a whole and not in modules. Please contact us for information on equivalences.


Further education

The master’s level degree program confers the "Grade de master", and you can pursue your education at a PhD level.

Some Alumni stories
  • Martin Lamiré - Lead Product Designer at Axya
  • Germain Allard - Independant Strategic and experience designer and co-founder of EDAC
  • Paul Poirier - Product Designer at Gens de Confiance
  • Malo Sahores - Industrial designer at Quechua, Decathlon


A question about this program? Contact us!

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International Design Strategy
Le Studio Montréal

Taught in French Montréal
Diplôme visé contrôlé par l'ÉtatLabel - Diplôme conférant grade de master contrôle par l'État