2 summer exhibitions open to the public

Two summer exhibitions welcome you all summer long in the Agora of L'École de design Nantes Atlantique, as part of the inter-school itinerary proposed by Le Voyage à Nantes. The school offices will be closed from July 22 to August 16, 2023.


Two summer exhibitions to discover

From July 1 to September 3, L'École de design Nantes Atlantique opens its doors to the public as part of the inter-school program offered by Le Voyage à Nantes, and invites you to discover 2 summer exhibitions:

  • Design L’Expo, a selection of 17 end-of-study projects created by our design students to imagine the world of tomorrow.
  • Future Heritage / La Vache Nantaise, a project on the Nantes cow, carried out in partnership with Nantes Métropole to promote sustainable, local agriculture.


expositions estivales

The complementary phase of Parcoursup

The complementary phase of Parcoursup, open since June 15, allows you to make new wishes until September 12, 2023 for the following programs:

Published on 20.07.23