under the naves in Nantes

Coming to Nantes
as an exchange student

Since 1999, L'École de design Nantes Atlantique has been developing an ambitious strategy of international outreach. 150 foreign students are welcomed to Nantes for the 2022-2023 school year, from partner schools around the world, for a full semester, in the 3rd year of the DN MADE program, or during the International Design Strategy master's program at Studio France.

L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, an international design school

Venturing out of your comfort zone, experiencing a new culture, assimilating other codes... The international experience offered by L'École de design Nantes Atlantique allows future designers to combine openness to others, curiosity, pragmatism and interculturality. In a globalized world, where the stakes often transcend borders, living an immersive 6-month experience here in Nantes is a wonderful opportunity to further one's training as a designer.

In recognition of its international dimension, L'École de design Nantes Atlantique holds:

  • the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) for the period 2021-2027, and is thus part of the Erasmus+ program, a European Union program promoting student mobility in higher education;
  • the 2-star Bienvenue en France, attesting to the quality of the welcome given to its international students.    
erasmus +bienvenue en france

How the exchange works

L'École de design Nantes Atlantique has concluded an exchange agreement with more than 120 partner institutions, spread over 4 continents and 36 countries. In the framework of the exchange:

  • 150 international students, from these partner schools only, are hosted in Nantes for the 2022-2023 school year for a semester. Incoming international students benefit from French as a foreign language classes throughout the semester to help them integrate more easily to life in France
  • At the same time, students from L'École de design Nantes Atlantique are welcomed in these establishments for an international experience.
Return of international students hosted in Nantes

Programs available to foreign exchange students in Nantes

L'École de design Nantes Atlantique offers foreign students programs with an international focus, taught in English and with a mix of students. The following programs are available for one semester:

Year 3 DN MADE: international class

To join this class, students must have completed at least two years in one of the following fields: product design, interior architecture, scenography, interactive design or multimedia.

Exchange students enrolled in one of these programs will have to take mandatory courses and choose optional courses to validate 30 ECTS credits. Depending on their background, students will have to choose between these three programs:

DN MADE / Year 3 Retail Interior designPhoto credit: Claire Lucas / Invit'oit / A greenhouse to encourage encounters with local people / MADE Project
DN MADE Retail & Interior Design

For students of space design, interior design and scenography

The Retail & Interior Design program focuses on the design of any permanent space (commercial architecture, interior architecture, public areas) or temporary space (scenography, events) with a user-centered approach.

Consult the course description for the 1st semester and the 2nd semester

Photo credit: Claire Lucas / Invit’oit / A greenhouse to meet people in your neighborhood / Diploma project
DN MADE / Year 3 Industrial Products
DN MADE Industrial Products

For students of product or industrial design

The Industrial Products program focuses on the industrial aspect of design. Based on industrial know-how, the design of innovative products is put at the service of the user, their environment and their expectations.

Consult the course description for the 1st semester and the 2nd semester

Photo credit: José Castelazo / Hope / An eco-responsible object to enhance coral surviability / Diploma project
DN MADE Year 3 / Digital Media DesignCrédits photo : Ila Bisht / Draglist / Une application pour surmonter la procrastination / Projet MADE
DN MADE Digital Media Design

For students of graphic design, interactive design or multimedia

Based on a user-centered design approach, the Digital Media Design program offers services that respond to needs in the field of digital media (web, interactive terminals, video, animation, computer graphics, etc.).

Consult the course description for the 1st semester and the 2nd semester

Photo credit: Ila Bisht / Draglist / An app to overcome procrastination / diploma project

International Design Strategy Master’s level degree program at Le Studio France

Foreign exchange students can also join the first semester (September to January) of the first year of the International Design Strategy master's level degree program at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique's Studio France.

To join this program, candidates must hold a Bachelor's degree in one of the following fields: product design, graphic design, interior architecture, scenography, interactive design. This first semester of the Master's program encourages the exploration of French culture in an applied interdisciplinary context.

Consult the course description

"It was inspiring to be with the best students from all around the world. Managing with a mixed batch of people with different languages, backgrounds and thought processes was new and challenging."

Sharl Pear
Student at The Design Village (India)

Applying for an exchange semester at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique

Here is all the information you need to apply for an exchange semester at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique.

Integration day for international studentsIntegration day for international students

Only students from one of our partner schools can join the school as an exchange student.

  • To join the Year 3 DN MADE international class, candidates must have completed at least two years in one of the following fields: product design, interior architecture, scenography, interactive design or multimedia.
  • To join the International Design Strategy Master’s program at Studio France, candidates must hold a Bachelor's degree in one of the following fields: product design, graphic design, interior architecture, scenography, interactive design.

The duration of the exchange program is one semester only : 

  • The 3rd year program is available in both semesters (September to January & February to June)
  • The Master program (First year of Master) is only available in Autumn semester (September to January)
  • Nomation and application deadline (Autumn semester): May 10th

  • Nomation and application deadline (Spring semester): November 10th


  1. Applicants are first selected by their home institution, whose international relations department must send an email to Orianne Besnard, International Relations Assistant at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique, at the following address: incoming@lecolededesign.com
  2. L'École de design Nantes Atlantique sends a nomination form by email to be filled in by the home institution (this email is sent in September for the spring semester, and in February for the fall semester,
  3. The partner school fills out the form,
  4. The nominated students and their respective schools will receive an email, in the days following the nomination, containing the link to the application platform of L'École de design Nantes Atlantique, as well as the connection details of each student,
  5. Students complete and submit their application. The following documents must be uploaded to the application platform:
  • Curriculum Vitae,
  • Passport or ID card,,
  • Portfolio showing some of their creations and work.
  1. Students receive a response 3 weeks after the application deadline,
  2. The selected students receive an email with their official acceptance letter and practical information (list of courses, instructions for the learning agreement, exact start dates, etc.).

Due to a limited number of places, it is not possible to accept all students who apply for an exchange semester. If the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, a selection of applications will be made by the program's course leader, based on the quality of the portfolio and the application. Students will receive an answer to their application within 3 weeks after the submission deadline.

L'École de design Nantes Atlantique welcomes applications from students with disabilities or chronic illnesses, and considers them under the same academic conditions as for other students. Applicants must state all their specific requirements when sending their application. To learn more about the school's social policy, visit this page.

3rd year international class:

Semester 1 / 2024-2025

  • Information Days (compulsory): September 9th to 13th, 2024
  • Classes begin: September 16th, 2024
  • End of Semester 1 (exchange students): (Provisional date) January 31st, 2025

Semester 2 / 2024-2025

  • Information Days (compulsory): February 10th to 14th, 2025
  • Classes begin: February 17th, 2025

  • End of Semester 2 (exchange students):  June 27th, 2025

International Design Strategy master’s level degree program:

Semester 1 / 2024-2025

  • Information Days (compulsory): September 16th to 20th, 2024
  • Classes begin: September 23th, 2024
  • End of Semester 1 (exchange students): (Provisional date) January 31st, 2025
Calendrier académique pour le cycle master International Design Strategy / Le Studio France

Semestre 1 / 2024-2025

  • Journées d'information (obligatoires) : Du 16 au 20 septembre 2024
  • Début des cours : Le 23 septembre 2024
  • Fin du semestre 1 (étudiants en échange) : (date provisoire) Le 31 janvier 2025


For any questions or additional information, please contact Orianne Besnard, international
relations assistant
, at: incoming@lecolededesign.com

Updated on 29.11.24