Hope / An eco-responsible object to enhance coral surviability / Diploma projectJosé Castelazo / Hope / An eco-responsible object to enhance coral surviability / Diploma project

Industrial Products

Taught in English Nantes
Label - DN MADE contrôlé par l'État
Updated on 21.06.24

Degree : DN MADE : National Diploma in Fine Arts, Crafts and Design, Major in Object Design

Prerequisites : 2 years of undergraduate studies in product design

Admissions : Application website


Location : Nantes

Teaching language: English

Start of the 2024-2025 academic year: 9 September for international students and 13 September for French students

3rd year / International Class

One-year in an international class to validate the DN MADE, National Diploma in Fine Arts, Crafts and Design, a state recognized undergraduate degree

Our International DN MADE programs welcome French and international students of various nationalities who wish to complete a French undergraduate degree, through the third (which is the last) year of Bachelor level studies.

This program offers a specialization in the fields of industrial design. From the industrial expertise, the design of products made to serve the users, their environment and their expectations.

Its purpose is also to welcome students from our partner schools for an academic exchange semester.

The completion of this 3rd year program leads to the obtention of DN MADE, Major in Object Design, Industrial Product Design Specialty with a Minor Materials

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Brochure - International experience
Courses outline

Courses: 816 h per year
24 hours of classes per week over 34 weeks, for a total of 816 hours

The main objective of the 1st semester is research on a subject chosen by the student; this research is fed by the various courses and projects, and leads to a thesis presented at the end of the semester.

The 2nd semester is centered on a personal project, fostered by all the lessons and contributions of the semester.

The project is presented during a defense at the end of the semester.

The program is organized around 3 poles


  • Philosophy and Humanities


  • Tools for expression and creative exploration
  • Technology and Materials
  • Tools and digital language
  • English Language
  • Economic and legal context

Cross-curricular courses allow the acquisition of fundamental knowledge, knowledge tools and specific methods to the different sectors relating to the design field.


  • Techniques and skills
  • Practical implementation of the project
  • Project communication and mediation
  • Workshops

Practical and professional lessons lead students to discover the different phases of a design project and allow them to acquire methodological tools, as well as technical and creative know-how.


  • Optional internship
  • Professionalization path and further learning

Optional classes (for exchange students)

  • French Language and Culture
  • Illustration or Wordpress
  • After Effects or Photography

All classes and workshops are conducted in English. Therefore a basic command of this language is recommended.

ECTS credits

60 credits per year

The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a points system developed by the European Union to facilitate the mobility of students in Europe.

Obtaining the degree

The DN MADE, National Diploma in Fine Arts, Crafts and Design is a state-controlled degree and leads to the award of a bachelor degree after three years of studies.

The student defends the dissertation at the end of January before a jury of 4 people, then at the end of June the final project is defended before a jury of 4 people.

Admission requirements
Academic requirements


This program is open to all applicants who completed 2 years of undergraduate studies equivalent to 120 ECTS in one of the following fields: 

  • Product design
  • Industrial Design

It is possible to apply before actually having completed the required level of studies or ECTS. However, admission will only take effect once the degree is obtained or the credits have been validated.

Once accepted, students remain eligible for registration for one year.

Final admission will only take effect when the necessary visa is obtained, if applicable.

 More information on the page "Studying at Nantes"


If you want to apply as an exchange students, please see the page "Come to an international exchange"Only students from one of our partner schools can join the school as an exchange student.

Language requirements


All classes and workshops are conducted in English. Therefore a basic command of this language is recommended.
If you are not a native English speaker, we ask that you provide proof of your English proficiency (minimum 600 points at the TOEIC test or equivalent). If you are not in possession of such a certificate, you may take an oral assessment during the interview.


While not mandatory for the International Class, a certain command of French language is recommended for daily life in France and integration purposes. You can provide any certificate of French language you may already have or you can indicate your current level of French using the CEFR self assessment grid.
However, students wishing to continue their studies at the master’s level in one of the programs taught in French will need a good command of both spoken and written French.

How to apply?

Application deadline is June 28th, 2024 for the academic year 2024-2025.

They can only be done online on our application website

They are organized in 7 sessions:

  • December session: From November 15th to December 8th, 2023
  • January session: from December 9th, 2023 to January 31, 2024
  • February session: from February 1st to 29th, 2024
  • March session: from March 1st to 29th, 2024
  • April session: from April 1st to 30th, 2024
  • May session: from May 1st to 31st, 2024
  • June session: from June 1 to 28th, 2024


Selection process

1. Online application and payment of the application fees (€50);

2.Uploading all the required documents for application:

  • Résumé (CV);
  • Portfolio;
  • Reports of the last two years of study in design;
  • Copies of degrees and certificates;
  • Copy of your identity card or passport;
  • Cover letter (letter of intent);
  • English certification (optional)

3. Application file review and interview;

4. If your application is accepted, you will be asked to electronically sign a teaching contract & to proceed to the first payment of the tuition fees to confirm your enrollment.

Tuition fees
  • French students and European Union students: €8,900 per year.
  • Non-European Union students: €9,900 per year

+ CVEC (Student and campus life contribution): contribution set at just under €103

CVEC website


The school itself does not offer any scholarship. However, according to your country of residence and your particular situation, different possibilities may be available to finance your studies in France: government grants, funding granted by international organizations and NGOs, private fellowships...

Campus France has a scholarship search engine which may help you identify a scholarship available in your situation (country of residence, degree being prepared etc.).

Preparing your life in Nantes

Start of the 2024-2025 academic year: 9 September for international students and 13 September for French students

This dates are provided for information purposes only and are subject to change.

For more information to help you to prepare your arrival & life in Nantes Studying in Nantes

Teaching staff

Deputy Executive Director
Stéphane Gouret

Head of undergraduate studies
Nathalie Templier

Head of program
Luc Montessinos

Job prospects and further education

After the DN MADE, that confers a state recognized undergraduate degree, it is possible to opt for further studies or to enter the world of work

    Continuing your studies at L’École de design Nantes Atlantique

    Students having successfully completed this undergraduate program may continue their studies at a postgraduate level in one of our Master's level degree programs

    A question about this program? Contact us!

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    Industrial Products

    Taught in English Nantes
    Label - DN MADE contrôlé par l'État