
Mobile Roots

“The fear of ageing does more damage than age itself” - Jeanne Moreau

The proportion of elderly people in the French population is constantly rising. For many of them, the fear of ageing is a real source of stress. How can we help the elderly accept the changes that occur in their bodies with the onset of old age?

During her studies in motion design, Garance Hubert created “Mobile Roots”, a multi-sensory trail situated in the Jardin des Plantes (botanical gardens) in Nantes. Five mobiles, equipped with propellors, imitate the shapes of plants used in phytotherapy (Ginkgo, Cactus, Gotu kola, Sea buckthorn and Green tea). The list of their benefits is displayed near the plants. The cyclical movements of the mobiles and the grounded nature of the roots have a calming effect.


This project is part of Design portfolio 2020, a selection of 36 projects from this year which bear witness to the talent, creativity and know-how developed by the students during their undergraduate studies.

Published on 01.01.21