
Une slow promenade nantaise

Nature plays a central role in urban development projects. In Nantes, promoting biodiversity and the emergence of “spontaneous” nature in the city are important objectives.

Clémentine Crusson, in international class, focused on the Cours Saint Pierre in Nantes. Built in the 18th century as a public promenade, this 200m-long area remains unoccupied most of the time. Following discussions with local users and residents, she had the idea of a “slow promenade” and an awakening of the five senses. A shared sensory garden is organized into 4 parts: grasses and rocks for sight, bamboo foliage for sound and an “olfactory” trail full of plants such as fennel, lemongrass or verbena.


This project is part of Design portfolio 2020, a selection of 36 projects from this year which bear witness to the talent, creativity and know-how developed by the students during their undergraduate studies.

Published on 01.01.21