Design & Innovation in Public Policy Chair
A chair to evaluate the role of design, its approach and its methods in the implementation of public policy

Partners of the Chair and members of the steering committee
The Design & Innovation in Public Sector research chair has been backed by Harmonie Mutuelle and local authorities (Loire-Atlantique Department, Nantes Métropole, Pays de la Loire Region and the Prefect's Office in the Region) since April 2017.
The partners of the Design & Innovation in Public Policy Chair:
Functioning of the Chair
It is headed by Clémence Montagne (director of the Care Design Lab) and aims to develop design-led research for the co-construction of an innovative public policy involving residents and public and private actors.
Read the interview with Clémence Montagne, director of the Care Design Lab.
How the Design & Innovation in Public Sector Chair works
The Chair is made up of founding members and partners supporting one or more research project activities. An agreement signed with each of the founders and partners defines its organization and operating procedures.
The conduct of design-led research relies on an operational team composed of a designer and a researcher in the humanities.
Postulate of the Design and Innovation in Public Sector Chair
Design is used to serve public policy through codesign methods, which are different from citizen participation.
Research Questions
- How do design methods, and in particular co-design, contribute to the renewal of public policy?
- How do co-design tools allow users to be involved in and take ownership of public policy issues in health?
- What indicators should be used to assess the contribution of co-design to Innovation in Public Policy?
Stages of design-led research
1. Field survey, interviews and questionnaires to understand an environment, simplify a context and reformulate the question;
2. Scripting of the co-design workshops to create links between the activities, reformulate the questions and stimulate the creativity of the participants;
3. Production of concepts and tests by future users, return to the field to present the results of the work.
Design-led research methodology
Social design involves observing, analyzing and co-constructing in order to provide an innovative response to social and health issues. The design of public services, after observation and analysis, aims at changing representations and proposing new organizational models for the regions.
The methods and tools of design (tools for creativity, representation, prototyping, etc.) are used to reveal problems that are often implicit, to re-question initial assumptions, to test the solutions that emerge, and to come up with shared proposals on how to implement them.
Evaluations and indicators
The evaluation of the experiment will focus on:
- Transferability of the method, results and concepts
- Possibility of being incorporated into existing public policy mechanisms for deployment
Proposed evaluation indicators:
- Indicators of qualitative improvements during the project;
- Indicators of participants' ownership of the subject

Marketa Fingerova
Doctoral research on co-design methods
The chair supports Marketa Fingerova's doctoral research on the development of a methodological guide and analysis of co-design. A thesis devoted to interdisciplinary co-design processes in the design of home adaptations for the elderly.
This doctoral research is co-financed by the Ouest Industries Créatives Research-Training-Innovation program, initiated by the Region, and the Ministry of Culture and Communication. It began in November 2016.
Markéta Fingerová, the doctoral student, is an anthropologist and teaches in the first year of the Masters program at the Care Design Lab.
The doctoral research is directed by Daniel Siret, director of the AAU laboratory (Ambiances, Architecture, Urbanités - UMR 1563 CNRS/ECN/ENSA Grenoble/ENSA Nantes), and co-supervized by Gaël Guilloux.
Access to care in regions with low medical demographics
The report by Senators Cardoux and Daubigny "Promoting health innovation in the regions" of July 2017 proposes "to act against the territorial divide in access to care (rural areas, priority urban neighborhoods, isolated areas)".
This theme aims to reflect on public policies, to question the contribution of the user-centered design approach to respond to a problem of the region's attractiveness.
Immersion in the field between June and October 2019
Two field surveys were conducted in the region of the local community council of Pouzauges (June 17 to 21) and in the Grand Bellevue district (between September 4 and 20).
We got to know the field, conducted individual interviews with the inhabitants of the Pays de Pouzauges, accompanied the inhabitants and the health professionals in their health care pathways, and carried out mapping to understand the health care system of the region in question. This was done in order to conduct workshops offering the greatest possibility of participation and co-creation.
Participatory Workshops in Bellevue/Pouzauges
The workshops brought together between 10 and 22 participants, delegates from Harmonie Mutuelle, representatives of the city's employees, people in charge of the MSPP project, representatives of the citizens' council, and health professionals who will be the future tenants of the medical and paramedical offices of the Maison de Santé.
These workshops, supervised by the Chair's director, Clémence Montagne, were organized by two designers, Clio Aiache and Célia Ferrer, and led by four students in the Masters program in Design and Innovation Management at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique: Pauline Oger, Justine Lopes, Clara Chanteloup and Zoé Oberle.
Workshops on access to care in the Pays de Pouzauges local community council
During the co-creation workshops designed to promote the conditions for dialogue between health professionals, residents, elected officials and civil servants, we questioned and imagined possible ways to improve access to care.
Post-production of the ideas that emerged during the participative workshops in Pays de Pouzauges
The workshops on the issue of access to health care in Pays de Pouzauges revealed four types of action:
- welcoming future health professionals
- making them stay in the region
- improving prevention
- communicating with inhabitants
Five concepts were developed to facilitate discussion during the Installation Nights and to help recruit future doctors (image 1), to welcome new health professionals under better conditions (image 2), to help them integrate the region's multi-professional network and to incorporate e-health into the presentation of the skills of local health professionals (image 3), to provide better information on what telemedicine, tele-monitoring, tele-care and tele-expertise can and cannot do in order to respond to problems of access to care (image 4), and to raise awareness among schoolchildren of the medical and para-medical professions in under-resourced regions.
Workshops on the development of the future health centre in West Nantes
The objectives of these workshops were to rethink the possible layouts of the reception hall of the future Bellevue Multi-Professional Health Center using participatory co-design tools in order to best respond to the future uses of this unique public facility project, a place of work for medical and paramedical health professionals and a place of care for the neighborhood's residents.
Post-production of the ideas that emerged during the participative workshops in West Nantes
The workshops on the design of the West Nantes Health Center led to the emergence of three creative avenues to address user issues:
- first of all, to ensure that the objective of prevention and promotion of health is achieved, by reworking the spaces, media and information tools,
- then to protect the confidentiality of the health questions of the people entering the Health Center,
- finally, to encourage the appropriation of this place of medical and paramedical care by making it friendly and welcoming.
Schedule of care experimentation
The experiments were conducted between spring and fall 2019 to align with the municipal election schedule.
The design approach applied to the problem of access to healthcare in under-resourced regions allows us to study uses, to propose concepts for new uses and a transformation of public policy refocused on human and relational factors.
In this project on access to care, design is used to promote innovation in health in the regions, thanks to the financial support of Harmonie Mutuelle, as part of a general interest research project that focuses on the role of design in the construction of public policies.
Provisional program of action
Culture and Prison
As part of the Chair, Culture and Prison, another general interest research project has been developed and co-directed by Delphine Saurier, Professor of Information and Communication Sciences at Audencia SciencesCom, with co-financing by the Research-Training-Innovation program Ouest Industries Créatives and the Ministry of Culture and Communication, Audencia SciencesCom and L’École de design Nantes Atlantique.
There are plans to test the co-design methodology for improving access to reading in prisons between March and June 2021 and to facilitate an inclusive participatory workshop for cross-sector policy implementers.
Dissemination of results
Working Papers in progress:
- Co-designing public actions to counter growing medical desertification in French rural area, co-written with Célia Ferrer and Clio Aiache
- Accounting for experimental practices in public innovative action: experimenting co-design tools to improve public services accessibility, co-written with Célia Ferrer
- Using social design to improve access to care in regions with low medical demographics (Vendée, Loire-Atlantique)
- How to design for future citizens’ needs?Participative workshops with co-design to improve access to healthcare in a poor urban neighbourhood in France.
Contribution to the "design of public policies" working group at the National Design Conference in 2019: "Design applied to public policies: feedback and perspectives for tomorrow", co-written with Florent Orsoni, director of the City Design Lab.
Restitution of the results of the experiments during Public Innovation Week in November 2019
- November 19: Inauguration of the exhibition for the restitution of the experiments at 28 quai François Mitterrand, on the Ile de Nantes.
- November 20: Presentation of the work to the elected officials of the Bellevue region and to the elected officials in charge of health at the Maison du Projet, Place Mendes France. Presentation on November 21 to the elected officials of the local community council and the DGS of Pouzauges.
- November 21: Round table with the elected officials of the local community council of Pouzauges and the DGS in Nantes at 28 quai François Mitterrand, on the Ile de Nantes.
Two webinars for Public Innovation Month in 2020

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 on the theme Design in Health with the participation of:
- Laurent Marty, health anthropologist
- Alexandre Berkesse, researcher in ethics and management, member of the CEPPP of the Montreal University Hospital
- Denis Pellerin, co-founder of User Studio
- Loélia Rapin, designer, doctoral student

Tuesday, November 17, 2020 on the theme Design and Public Innovation with the participation of:
- Bassem Asseh, 1st Deputy to the Mayor of Nantes,
- Olivier Ryckewaert, consultant and trainer in public innovation
- Fanny Giordano, designer and doctoral student at Service Design Lab, Aalborg University
- Pauline Oger, social designer
Four webinars for Public Innovation Month in 2021

Thursday, November 4, 2021 on the theme of training designers working in public institutions, with the participation of:
- Nathalie Pezzoli - Head of the Design Studio at Caisse des Dépôts
- Philippe Caïla - Director of the Digital Factory
- Rachel Donnat - Public Design Training Manager - École des Gobelins

Wednesday, November 10, 2021 on the theme of design and the transformation of public policy with the participation of:
- Benoît Labarthe - Director of innovation at Nantes University Hospital
- Maëlle Ferre - Innovation and design project manager Grand Est region

Thursday, November 18, 2021 on the theme of design for public policy through the development of digital inclusion tools with the participation of:
- Emmanuelle Borrelly - Head of the CDC's digital inclusion and public service division
- Karl Pineau – Director of the Media Design Lab and co-founder of Designers Ethiques
- Victor Vincent - HMI ergonomist at Affordance
- Nathalie Pezzoli - Head of the Design Studio at Caisse des Dépôts
- Lucie Chenais - Service Designer at CDC

Thursday, November 25, 2021 on the theme of strategic design in public policy through the implementation of the report on the thermal renovation of private housing with the participation of:
- Nathalie Pezzoli - Head of the Design Studio at Caisse des Dépôts
- Philippe Caïla - Director of the Digital Factory
- Cécile Gabarrou - Project manager for thermal renovation
Public policy design for the attractiveness of regions and the well-being of inhabitants
Research within the Design & Innovation in Public Sector Chair focuses primarily on issues of well-being. In this context, design-led research, in co-construction with stakeholders, must consider the right questions and answers in terms of using space, product, service or device design interventions.
Closing of the Design and Innovation in Public Sector Chair
From 2018 to 2021, the school's Design and Innovation in Public Sector Chair analysis of the role played by public design in the transformation of public policy, the modernization of public services, administrative simplification, improved accessibility of services and better efficiency of services from the user's point of view at the scale of public spaces, public facilities and public organizations.
The closing event organized on June 8, 9 and 10, 2021 was an opportunity to bring together some of the actors involved in the intervention of design in public policy. Civil servants, public service designers and researchers came together around 6 successive round tables on June 8, 9 and 10 to discuss the modalities of design intervention in public policy.
The closing event was structured around three main themes:
- design as a player in the transformation of participative practices of co-design and evaluation of public policies with citizens
- design as a player in the renewal of the approach to digital and physical accessibility of public service spaces and as a source of proposals regarding co-design tools for public service agents
- design as a catalyst for innovation in health in the regions
About twenty researchers, practitioners, civil servants and consultants in public innovation contributed to the reflection on design, revealing dissensus and creating consensus, the transformations of the evaluation of public policies, the meaning of co-design for public organizations. They also debated the issue of designing environments for the accessibility of public services, practices and their transformation for the improvement of patient experiences and the issue of the manufacture of innovation in health through design.
During the two round tables per day and on the occasion of two conferences given on the question of "design for democracy" by François Jégou and "the meaning of design in health" by Vera Baur and Ruedi Baur, practices and discourses overlapped to propose answers to questions raised by the deployment of design approaches in the transformation of public policy.
Discover the round tables of the Chair's closing ceremony
The team of the Design & Innovation in Public Sector Chair
The Design & Innovation in Public Sector chair, supported by Harmonie Mutuelle and local authorities and institutions (Loire-Atlantique Department, Nantes Métropole, Pays de la Loire Region, Prefect's Office in Pays de la Loire Region), relies on a permanent team, the expertise of the Care Design Lab and a network of scientific and technical partners.
Director of the Chair
Clémence Montagne, Director of the Design Lab Care and Scientific Director of the Chair
Scientific Council
- Jean-Achille Cozic, geriatric physician - medical affairs advisor, Groupe Le Noble Âge
- Julien Defait, Designer, La 27e Région
- Clément Lacouette-Fougère, consultant and doctoral student, project manager SEGMAP / DITP, atheoretical evaluation of public policy
- Christian Moinard, associate professor Audencia
- Stéphanie Pin, Head of the Centre for Evaluation and Expertise in Public Health, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine Lausanne (Switzerland)
- Patricia Saraux, doctor, Director of Public Health, Prevention and Solidarity Unit, City of Nantes.
- Frédéric Degouzon, Director of Strategy, Research and Development, L’École de design Nantes Atlantique
- Clémence Montagne, geographer and urban planner (Master's degree in Urban Planning and Development, 2010, PhD in Urban Planning and Development, Paris Sorbonne University, 2016), development geographer (Master's degree, Paris-Ouest Nanterre, 2011), director of the Care Design Lab since September 3, 2018
- Two social designers were involved in the preparation, execution and analysis of the experiments between May and November 2019: Célia Ferrer and Clio Aiache
- Master's students from the Care Design Lab 2019 / 2021: Pauline Oger, Zoé Oberlé, Clara Chanteloup, Justine Lopez
- Interns between June and September 2020: Pauline Oger and Chloé Olivella
Partners in the local community council of Pays de Pouzauges:
- Yves-Marie Mousset, mayor of Sèvremont
- Dominique Blanchard, mayor of Boupère
- Michelle Devanne, mayor of Pouzauges
- Vincent Lermitte, DGS of Pays de Pouzauges
- Véronique Ferré, responsible for health
Designers and contributors