Le Café du Glandeur
Did you know that oak acorns are edible? Packed with valuable nutritional properties, they can be cooked in a thousand ways. Arnaud has created a range of products made from wild acorns, including terrines, cookies and drinks. He thus proposes a natural and local alternative to the consumption of certain energy-consuming products.
His project reflects the reintegration of forgotten fruits in our plates. He decided to transform an old tannery located on the banks of the Sèvre river into an original place called "Le café du glandeur". This place of experimentation dedicated to alternative food is as humorous as it is authentic. It welcomes curious visitors in search of sustainable plant-based food alternatives.
This project has been selected as part of Design L'Expo 2022 and will be exhibited at La Cale 2 Créateurs from 3 December 2022 to 26 February 2023.
"Arnaud became interested in the fagaceae found in our forests."
"Forgotten fruits and their protein potential can diversify an ultra-local diet. They represent an authentic and plant-based alternative to today's energy-intensive food products. Arnaud became interested in the fagaceae found in our forests. He designed a food prototype from a system of production, transformation, distribution and consumption that is meaningful and that gives us a taste of tomorrow." Christophe de Hody, Naturopath, herbalist and field botanist, entrepreneur and initiator of "Chemin de la nature"

Arnaud Courilleau
2020-2022: Master's degree in Food Design at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique, Nantes, France
2019-2020: Bachelor's degree in Product Design, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
2019: Internship in Product Design, Object Studio, London, UK
2016-2018: Junior designer on a work-study program at Smurfit Kappa Siemco, Nantes, France
2016-2018: 2-year technical diploma in Product Design at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique, Nantes
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