Impacts 2022 – Léa JOUAN, Alumni 2018

"C’est cliché !": a cooperative and educational game

While working on her final year project as part of her apprenticeship in service design with the Loire-Atlantique département, Léa Jouan developed "C'est cliché !", a cooperative and educational board game about gender stereotypes. Here's a look back at how the project came about!

How to approach questions of gender stereotypes in secondary school? Léa has taken up this issue by creating a cooperative game for the Canopé network, in partnership with the Loire-Atlantique department and the MGEN. Created as part of her degree project, the game "C’est cliché, les stéréotypes de genre" (Gender stereotypes are such a cliché) has just been published and marketed by the French National Education.

Léa started this project when the #Metoo wave was sweeping France and the issue of discrimination was all over the news.

After launching a consultation phase with the help of experts (education assistants, teachers, transgender and LGBT associations, etc.), Léa simultaneously undertook a phase of immersion in middle schools.

"I realized how uncomfortable teachers were addressing the subject and how ill-equipped they were to do so."

She also notes that the issue of gender "is particularly prevalent among young people in middle school" and that it represents "a major issue, because it is a determining factor in their choice of career path, but also in the construction of their identity."

"The feedback from teachers has been very constructive," assures Léa. "Thanks to this medium, the pupils found it easier to talk about these questions, which can sometimes be tricky to tackle."

In this game, there are no right or wrong answers, the objective is to launch the debate and to encourage reflection on the issue of gender stereotypes.

Plateau de jeu "C'est cliché"
Léa Jouanphoto credit : « Réseau Canopé »
Léa Jouanphoto credit : « Réseau Canopé »
Léa Jouanphoto credit : « Réseau Canopé »

An initial version of the game was presented to the public to stimulate debate on gender issues. The game then evolved with input from professionals (psychologists, teachers, etc.) and students.

Following a trial phase with around fifty secondary schools, it will be distributed to all secondary schools in Loire-Atlantique in 2021. It is also now on sale via the Canopé network.

Discover all Impacts 2022 portraits

Léa Jouan avec le jeu c'est cliché


Since 2023: Freelance Designer of educational tools since 2019 and Product Designer, Lucca, Nantes, France

2021/2022: Product Designer, Skeepers, Nantes, France

2019/2021: Product Designer consultant, Positive Thinking Company, Nantes, France

2016/2019: Public Services Designer, Département de Loire-Atlantique, Nantes, France

Published on 02.07.24


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