Digital Design by L'École de design Nantes Atlantique

Did you know that the school is a first-class digital design school?

Since 1999, L’École de design has been exploring usages evolutions of digital innovation. In this way, we support the exponential growth needs of digital economy, nationally and internationally, and the digital transition of all sectors organizations, companies and institutions.

Poster digital design by the School of DesignPoster digital design by the School of Design

Understanding the stakes and possibilities that digital can offer is at the heart of the school pedagogy; hence the future Designers are trained to code from the beginning in order to gain a better understanding of the digital world in which we live and of the social, economical and ethical aspects of what is now universal culture.

Create, code and decode: digital undergraduate studies

A school to digital careers

Vocational program in Graphic Design - commmunication and digital media option: a program to prepare students specifically for digital communication and the creation of multimedia and interactive content: computer graphics, data visualizations, animations, applications, web sites, etc. The school offers a first year of initial training to acquire the basic skills of graphic and digital design and a second year doing a work-study program with professional training contract.

Murmur, Interaction Design project, product voice description application, Lengliang Li 2019Murmur, Interaction Design project, product voice description application, Lengliang Li 2019

Digital in the undergraduate curriculum

BDes UI/UX Design: a program for designing innovative services related to information and communication technologies in an user focused approach. The program benefits from a technical teaching ranging from acquiring the techniques for designing user interfaces (UI Design) to dynamic solutions for application prototyping and complex interaction methods (UX Design).

  • BDes Game Experience Design : to design and produce games on digital media, on- and off-line but also interactive applications, serious games and gaming interfaces. The program gives students a firm grounding in tools for 2D and 3D graphic creation and introduces them to programming. Student testimonials: Sarah Gergaud and Pierre Fontaine.
  • BDes Motion Design : to create material for the internet or television: trailers, video clips, commercials, program credits, brand names and identities, etc. Students work on a conceptual phase and an implementation phase, designing a graphic universe fueled by a strong culture of typography. Student testimonials: Nathan Tripon and Arlette Thierion.
Augmented manual production workshop by Digital Media Design undergraduate studentsAugmented manual production workshop by Digital Media Design undergraduate students

International class - Digital Media Design option : offering services which meet digital needs. The curriculum is taught in English and uses a combination of practical exercises and project work to provide the skills needed to master the challenges of visual communication and interaction in a digital environment.

The courses are delivered by digital professionals who are passionate about what they do. Gaëtan Ark for example teaches web standards and Clément Menant is a trainer in web prototyping.

Brochure - International programs

Mastering the strategic stakes: MDes digital programs

The MDes programs are built around cross-sectional socio-economic issues. They provide a form of specialization which complements the career orientation begun in undergraduate studies.

Deixis, language learning in virtual reality by Marc Bouchenoire, 2019Deixis, language learning in virtual reality by Marc Bouchenoire, 2019

The school offers three Master’s programs in Digital Culture:

  • MDes Information Design to explore the problems raised by the exponential production of data and its exploitation, from graphic representation to innovative service design based on data, information and knowledge.


  • MDes Tangible UX Design to explore the notion of tangibility and materiality of information for designing innovative products and services in all areas of application. The program is based on the hybridization between objects, environments and information systems.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


  • MDes Immersive UX Design to explore the possibilities offered by virtual, augmented and mixed reality in terms of developing user experience in 3D immersive environments, the process of co-design and formalizing complex phenomena and the transmission of know-how.



Dedicated digital facilities

In September 2017, L’École de design opened a new 3000m2 teaching facility on the Chantrerie campus, known as the Digital Design Factory, which consists of specialized studios, rooms for project and group work, coworking areas and technical workshops. It also boasts a motion capture and shooting studio, an experimental digital workshop and a computer room for 3D providing tools tailored to the reality of digital design professions and enabling a cross-cutting approach that embraces all aspects of design.

Motion Capture Studio of the School of DesignMotion Capture Studio of the School of Design

The teaching activities for the MDes Digital Culture programs and applied research projects in virtual reality, UX Design for new interfaces and information design are based in dedicated premises on the Ile de Nantes, centered around an experimentation platform for digital innovation, the Digital Design Lab.

L’École de design alumni in the digital realm

170 graduates from L’École de design have been through the Digital Culture programs. The young graduates all find employment quickly. On graduation day, 50% of them have already found a job. 12 months later, 98% of them are in employment.

In addition, a third of them begin their career internationally with top destinations including the United States, China, Canada, the United Kingdom, Belgium and Colombia.

Coralie Sabin, designer shopper at PinterestCoralie Sabin, designer shopper at Pinterest

Axa, Cap Gemini, Dassault Systèmes, Orange, Google, IBM and Ubisoft are just a few examples of companies they find themselves working for.

The school is committed to involving its alumni in workshops, accompanying them for the Worldskills Competition as well as in events like Web2Day. Bringing them back to the school is both a way of training students in Digital Culture, from sharing their experience and identifying tomorrow’s talent to recruit them.

Find out more about our alumni:

Published on 02.02.20


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