Humans are inherently linked to words. Thanks to words, we exist, we share and debate with others. It is an indispensable tool for life in a democracy, yet it remains discriminating, because access to speech is unequal. It depends strongly on our social, cultural and economic condition.
Therefore, Antagône invites students to approach public speaking in a playful way, within the framework of moral and civic education classes. In teams, young people debate on thematic legal proposals, in a narrative universe inspired by ancient Greece and its great orators. Antagône is much more than just a board game. The game develops a refined and intensified way of speaking in order to create a better world
This project has been selected as part of Design L'Expo 2022 and will be exhibited at La Cale 2 Créateurs from 3 December 2022 to 26 February 2023.
"With Antagône, we question our relationship to orality, between a perspective of emancipation and a tool of domination or social reproduction."
"The concept of eloquence is everywhere: the oral exam of the French baccalaureate, competitions, the media field. With Antagône, we question our relationship to orality, between a perspective of emancipation and a tool of domination or social reproduction. The game invites young participants to appropriate tools that they can also criticize through a double dynamic: expression and listening. Based on the Creative Commons license, Antagône invites the teaching community to actively participate in the project to expand it." Baptiste Fluzin, Teaching Manager Media Design Lab
Riwan Majidate
2020-2022: Work-study Master's degree in Media Design at Orange Innovation, XDLab Rennes, France and at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique, Nantes, France
2019: Graphic design & motion internship at StoryCircus, Paris, France
2019-present: Freelance illustrator and graphic designer
2017: Internship in mechanical design at T.E.I of Crete, Heraklion, Crete
2017-2020: Bachelor's degree in Game Experience Design at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique, France
2015-2017: 2-year technical diploma in Mechanical and Production Engineering, University of Rennes 1, France
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